Go to monitoring webpage in Grafana (you need to have SSO authentication):
Go to monitoring webpage in Grafana (you need to have SSO authentication):
The full list of CASTOR man-pages can be viewed with the command 'man -k castor'
All ns* commands talk only to the "nameserver" - no actual data is accessed, and commands are reasonably fast.
ns* - manage/query file metadata
nsls - list files
nsrename - change file name
nsmkdir - new directories
nsln - 'symlink'
nsrm - delete files
nschmod - changer permission
nschown - change owner:group
nsfind - look for files
These stager commands are useful for production managers and/or batch job submissions (i.e. pre-staged files)
stager* - manage/query file metadata
stager_qry - get current state
stager_get - bulk transfer (several files together => efficient on tapes)
The queries on stager return the status of a file in the system, in particular if the file is on DISK or on TAPE
STAGEIN - the file is being recalled from tape or being internally disk-to-disk copied from another diskpool
STAGED - the file has been successfully staged from tape and it is available on disk, or the file is only available on disk if its associated nbTapeCopies = 0
STAGEOUT - the file is opened by the client, who is writing. Have to wait for the client to finish.
CANBEMIGR - the file is on disk and any transfer from client has been completed. The migrator will take it for tape migration.
INVALID - the file has no valid diskcopy/tapecopy, or a failure happened concerning the file.